
  Sooo, I have a bit of a problem with commissions.... 

1. I'm not very good at doing things to order.

2. I don't generally enjoy doing anything more than once.

3. I can only make stuff that I find inspiring either in the process/materials, or the subject.

I'm thinking this may hamper my ability to make a living as an artist.

 But! If I really like the idea of what you're asking, I'll probably do it for the the cost of materials. (maintenance of tools, petrol, parts etc) Maybe a few a few pounds. 

So, if you want an Owl, it'll be £3000!

Or a Bear, £10,000!

But a Tiger... looking over his shoulder, with a butterfly on his nose, £50. 

However, I might not be able to do it, and I might never get around to doing it.

Amateur artists. who'd 'ave 'em.